Areas of Specialization: (Click for more Info)
- Co-Parenting
- Trauma
- Clinical Supervision
- Spiritual Wounds, Struggles and Healing
A Collaborative Approach
You are a unique individual with your own challenges, hopes and dreams. I promise to always treat you as such. No two clients receive the exact same services in the exact same ways. Together we identify your goals, strengths, obstacles and create a plan to overcome them. My approach is collaborative and dynamic, changing as appropriate throughout your journey. Some things that may be incorporated are: homework to work on between sessions, therapeutic exercises, self-reflection, challenging statements/moments, art or music, movement, games, and aromatherapy. I am trained in EMDR and believe it is a powerful therapeutic method for a variety of identified issues. I additionally incorporate a variety of other therapeutic modalities. This is your time, your experience, your journey. I am merely a mentor or guide, coming alongside you on your path until you are ready to spread your wings and fly on your own.
Whole Person Wellness
You are likely looking at this page because something is off in your life. Somewhere, you got off the path you want to be on and need to get back in balance. To do this, it is important that we look at wellness from a whole-person perspective. This is called a Biopsychosocial-Spiritual model. Together we will examine these areas and identify the areas that need healing and strengthening to achieve a life of peace, joy and fulfillment.
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